Employee Spotlight: Dustin Holskey

Job Title: Ops Manager

Property: Home Office

1.) How long have you been with Homestead? 4.5 years

2.) What were you doing before Homestead? Property Manager

3.) Where are you originally from? Barnesville, Ohio

4.) What are your favorite hobbies? Traveling & Hiking

5.) What would you most like to tell your 13 year old self? Be yourself!

6.) If you could have coffee with three people, dead or alive, who would it be? My grandparents, Steve Jobs, Elton John

7.) Who is the most famous person you have ever met? Arnold Schwarzenegger"

8.) What is your dream vacation? Traveling through Italy

9.) What is the one THING, you can’t live without? Music!

10.) What is your proudest moment at Homestead? Being a part of the Ops dream team making that magic happen! - When I was on site: When my team received the property of the year award.


Construction Roundup


Champ Chain Winner: Anthony Hill