Employee Spotlight: Deandra Boll

Job Title: Accounts Payable Clerk

Property: Home Office

1.) How long have you been with Homestead? 2 years and 3 months

2.) What were you doing before Homestead? Working in the AP field at Installed Building Products

3.) Where are you originally from? Ironton, Ohio (the country lol)

4.) What are your favorite hobbies? Traveling, dancing, watching football, and cardio workouts

5.) What would you most like to tell your 13 year old self? Always work hard, never ever give up, make good decisions and always love yourself FIRST! Keep God first!

6.) If you could have coffee with three people, dead or alive, who would it be? My father, my little brother and Jesus

7.) Who is the most famous person you have ever met? Hmmm I've met Usher, Martin Lawrence, Coach Cutcliff (Duke Football), Trey Burke (NBA player)

8.) What is your dream vacation? I'd love to visit the Motherland (Africa)

9.) What is the one THING, you can’t live without? My children - love them to pieces!!

10.) What was your favorite Halloween costume? I love to dress up as Cat Woman

11.) What is your proudest moment at Homestead? I would have to say I'm honored to be apart of our Accounting Department. Our team is awesome and we always work together. Also that Homestead chose to work with me and believe in me when my family had to endure a tough time last year with my Granny.


Champ Chain Winner: Tabriel Smith


IN THE NEWS: Harlow on Main