Employee Spotlight: Victoria Hicks


Job Title: Community Manager
Community: The Cottages of College Station

How long have you been with Homestead? 4 years!

What were you doing before Homestead? Worked in Accounting for student housing properties

Where are you originally from? Texas

What are your hobbies? I love to read, be a yorkie mom and i found a love for freeze drying foods!

 What would you most likely tell your 13 year old self? You are stronger than you think! Everything will work out how it is supposed to; put yourself on a path and keep following it no matter how hard it gets!

If you could have coffee with three people, dead or alive, who would it be?JK Rowling, My Mammaw and Papa

Who is the most famous person you have ever met? Kyle Park- Texas Country Singer

What's your dream vacation? The Bahamas! I have been obsessed since I saw it in a movie as a kid

What is one THING you can't live without? My iPad--it has all of my books!

What is your proudest moment at Homestead?  I have had SO many proud moments daily, but i cannot commit to one being my proudest. All of my proudest moments concern my team and property and how far we have come as a whole. I will say surpassing our YOY prelease consistently feels pretty darn good though!


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