Employee Spotlight: Adam Crabtree


Job Title: Construction Project Manager
Community: Homestead Senior Living - Construction

How long have you been with Homestead? 8 months

What were you doing before Homestead? Construction of Multifamily Projects

Where are you originally from? Columbus OH

What are your hobbies? Snowboarding, golf and boating

 What would you most likely tell your 13 year old self? Start saving money now because kids are expensive.

If you could have coffee with three people, dead or alive, who would it be? Einstein, Babe Ruth and Abe Lincoln.
Who is the most famous person you have ever met? Tommy Lasorda

What's your dream vacation? Castle Cruise on the Rhine

What is one THING you can't live without? Water

What is your proudest moment at Homestead?  Topping out my first construction project of 110 thousand square feet, HSL East Broad St.


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