Homestead Companies

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Employee Spotlight: Sarah Scott

Job Title: Property Manager
Community: Harlow On Main

How long have you been with Homestead? 9 months

What were you doing before Homestead? Student housing

Where are you originally from? Cincinnati, OH

What are your hobbies? I love cooking while listening to true crime podcasts

 What would you most likely tell your 13 year old self? Life is short, surround yourself with positive people and always have the time to have fun!

If you could have coffee with three people, dead or alive, who would it be? My papaw, Princess Diana, and Marilyn Monroe
Who is the most famous person you have ever met? DJ Pauly D

What's your dream vacation? Bali

What is one THING you can't live without? Iced coffee

What is your proudest moment at Homestead?  Leasing up the building

What is on your retirement bucket list? Travel the world