Homestead Companies

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Employee Spotlight: Tammy Reed

Job Title: Senior Staff Accountant
Community: Home Office

How long have you been with Homestead? 2.5 years

What were you doing before Homestead? 2 years as Staff Accountant at a hose mfg company and 10 years as the head fry maker at McD's. lol. I worked as a Financial Accountant specializing in the Real Estate Tax portion of all the properties they leased throughout the US.

Where are you originally from? Columbus

What are your hobbies?Traveling and reading

 What would you most likely tell your 13 year old self? Take the trip! Never miss an opportunity because your health and tomorrow is not promised.

If you could have coffee with three people, dead or alive, who would it be? My Mom, Princess Diana and John Muir.

Who is the most famous person you have ever met?  Jack Hannah

What's your dream vacation? A trip back to Alaska to go to Brooks Falls.

What is one THING you can't live without? Books.

What is your proudest moment at Homestead?  Working with my Property Managers and seeing that ahah moment when they understand what/why we account for something a certain way.