Homestead Companies

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Employee Spotlight: Rae McKenney

Job Title: Community Manager 

Community: Olde Towne Apartments 

How long have you been with Homestead? 15 years  

What were you doing before Homestead? Real Estate 

Where are you originally from? Columbus, Ohio  

What are your hobbies? Gardening, swimming and hiking 

What would you most likely tell your 13 year old self? Enjoy life, family and friends 

If you could have coffee with three people, dead or alive, who would it be? Cheryl Davis, Minnie Pearl and my beloved grandfather. 

Who is the most famous person you have ever met? Loretta Lynn  

What's your dream vacation? I would love to visit Italy. 

What is one THING you can't live without? Laughter 

What is your proudest moment at Homestead? Winning the Property of the Year for our sound wall construction at Olde Towne Apartments.