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Homestead Companies Breaks Through 

The Business First Journal awarded Homestead the top 15 largest property management companies and the top 25 largest in commercial real estate management. This was the first time Homestead was recognized, and with the slated growth in 2022, Homestead is expected to continue to climb the ranks. Thank you to everyone that made this possible.

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Homestead America Announces the 2021 Winners

The 2021 Homestead America MVPs and Presidents awards have been announced. These individuals have put Homestead values into action and exceeded their goals throughout the year. We are proud to announce the 2021 winners. 

Maggie Purdy - HOME OFFICE MVP 

Maggie has been instrumental in turning around leasing challenges at The Atlas and Harlow. She is a cheerleader and a tremendous source of support for our onsite team members. Whether it's touring prospects, planning and hosting resident events, or assisting with resident issues, Maggie will do whatever it takes to help a community succeed. Maggie, thank you for your positive energy, you're such a source of light, and we are so lucky to have you supporting our team. 


Del continues to prove himself and go above and beyond.  Thank you, Del, for being so willing to support the team; you are a true definition of teamwork and a shining example of our core value "Support it”


Historically, this award has been based on overall property performance, including NOI and occupancy. But this year, we also looked at the progress made, especially given the challenges of COVID and how specific sub-markets struggled. 

The winner this year had to overcome so many obstacles. With a student demographic, they grappled with the impact of COVID, had to adjust their leasing strategy based on OSU's calendar, continue renovations, deal with some significant plumbing issues, and a flood or two…it was not an easy year! 

In January, they were sitting at 77% occupied; flash forward to today, they are at 97 

Sierra, Jimmy, and Jake have worked hard and have come together as a team to make this comeback. Incorporating more of a student housing strategy, they have taken ownership of their social media and programming strategy, and we see that pay off in their leasing numbers and positive reviews. Congratulations! 

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Homestead Villages Welcomes Seniors 

In Beavercreek, Ohio, Homestead Village welcomed over 50 seniors from the Dayton area senior center. Attendees got a first-hand look at the village and were treated to craft hour in the Cute as a Button Craft Room, coffee, and treats at the Village Coffee Bean. They met with future neighbors in the green acres banquet room and enjoyed the local favorite eatery Cherries Diner. 

Elenor Jackson attended the event and was impressed with the village experience. "When I first walked in, I was blown away. I have seen pictures, but you need to see it in person to get the true experience. The village ambassadors rolled out the red carpet for us, and I can't wait to move in," said Elenor. 

Homestead Village has many more events planned with the senior center, and the first residents moved in the first week of November. 

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Let's Party!

Homestead America was finally back together for the 2021 Holiday Party. After a year of hiatus, the teams came together and celebrated another great year at Strongwater. The Construction team came out as the big winners in the raffle, and the food from Stronwater was a huge hit. 

Shannon Latsko, National Leasing and Operations Manager, stated, "The venue and the decor were fantastic. You could tell everyone had a great time, and the change-up of the venue was well received." Thank you to our sponsors for making this happen, and everyone involved that helped throw another festive event. And a special thank you to all of our teams that make this such a great company. Because of your hard work and ideas, we continue to push our company to new heights. We hope you and your family have a safe and wonderful holiday.

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Champ Chain Winner: Angie Slay

Please join us in congratulating our November Champ Chain Winner, the team member who went above and beyond to deliver on our mission statement of providing the best resident life experience possible AND has demonstrated our core value of "Support It"...Angie Slay, our Community Manager at River Annex in Athens Ohio!  

"Angie always goes above and beyond to take care of her residents and property.  She takes a lot of pride in her job and genuinely cares.  A "jack of all trades," Angie is willing to do whatever it takes to take care of her community.  From picking up dog poop to cleaning the hallway, she does it.  We have been down a maintenance tech the last few weeks, and Angie has picked up all the slack she could in maintenance while continuing to lease apartments and manage her property.  Angie is such an important part of this team; I am proud to have her in our group!"  - Christopher Walter & Donna Stage 

Thank you, Angie, for your willingness to roll up your sleeves and help in so many ways!  Supporting our team sometimes looks like stepping outside of the job description to help fill gaps in other areas, and your work ethic and ability to adapt in challenging situations is what keeps River Annex steady for all these years.  We are so lucky to have you on our team! 

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Employee Spotlight: Greg Burchwell


Job Title: Maintenance Supervisor
Community: Homestead Village Grove City

How long have you been with Homestead? 13 years

What were you doing before Homestead? Running distribution warehouses.

Where are you originally from? Commercial Point, Ohio

What are your hobbies? Grandkids and a little target shooting.

 What would you most likely tell your 13 year old self? Life always gets better.

If you could have coffee with three people, dead or alive, who would it be?My Granny B. John Wayne and Sam Elliott.

What's your dream vacation? Camping in the Montana mountains

What is one THING you can't live without? Pizza

What is your proudest moment at Homestead?  Just being able to help when I can.

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Jennifer Radcliffe, Home Office, 13 years 

Sierra Adams, Village West, 3 years 

Travis Lane, Parkway, 3 years 

Dennis Marcum, River Park, 4 years 

Stephen Montell, UV, 7 years 

Jeannette Groves, Worthington Commons, 1 year 

Johnathan Shepherd, College Station, 2 years 

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HEALTH TIP: 6 Ways to Overcome the Wintertime Blues


1. Eat a healthy diet 

Feeling blue can make you desire foods high in fat, carbohydrates and sugar. But try to resist temptation. "A carbohydrate- and sugar-rich diet will spike your blood sugar and then it will drop," Cohen says. So, you may feel more energized initially. But in the long run, your feelings of tiredness and moodiness can intensify.  

Instead, eat more plant proteins, like vegetables, nuts and beans, fruits and whole grains. You'll get the vitamins, minerals and protein to restore your energy levels. Plus, it'll help you maintain a healthy weight to lower your cancer risks. 


2. Get regular exercise  

Exercise might be the first thing to go when you'd rather stay snuggled in bed. Don't let it. "The feel-good chemicals released during exercise can help ease anxiety and improve your mental health," Powers-James says. 

And, exercise strengthens the immune system, helps you maintain a healthy weight and reduces your risks for colon, breast and endometrial cancers. You should aim for at least two and a half hours of moderate physical activity or an hour and 15 minutes of more vigorous physical activity each week.   


3. Try sun therapy.  

Winter typically means less light and more darkness, making you want to hibernate. Instead, get outside when the sun is shining. (But be sure to wear sunscreen.) 

"Being exposed to sunlight wakes up your body and allows it to adjust back to its normal sleep-wake cycle," Powers-James says. A midday walk outside can do the trick. 


4. Increase social interactions 

Being around family and friends can boost your mood and help motivate you to do the things you enjoy.  Ask a friend to go to the movies or grab a cup of green tea with a co-worker.  

And, don't be shy, a phone call or email to ask for encouragement can go a long way. You may laugh more, worry less and gain a positive outlook. Plus, the person you call may benefit just as much as you from your contact.  


5. Get enough sleep  

"Sleep is restorative. It's a time for your body and mind to heal," Cohen says. "Getting too little or too much can cause moodiness, memory troubles and problems with thinking and focusing."  

You should aim for seven to eight hours of sleep each night, Cohen says. It will help you wake up feeling refreshed. 


6. Practice relaxation techniques 

Anxiety and stress often accompany a winter slump. And both are damaging to your health, Cohen says. To boost your energy and mood, try to relax. 

"Just five minutes of meditation can help you manage stress," Cohen says. "And, more is better."  

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IN THE NEWS: Homestead Living Announcement Comes With Promotions

Columbus, Ohio – Homestead Cos. has launched Homestead Living, an in-house management team overseeing day-to-day operations of the company’s student housing, multifamily and seniors housing properties.

Laura Formica — former vice president of operations, who led the Columbus-based company’s student housing division for five years from 2012 to 2017 and rejoined as vice president of operations in 2019 — will serve as president of Homestead Living.

“At Homestead, we are passionate about providing great residential experiences for the student, empty nester and all in between,” says Formica. “The benefits of uniting our three teams wilI further solidify our culture, create new operational standards and set us up for continued growth ahead.”

Former Regional Managers Cory Ratai and Jennifer Radcliffe will now serve as division vice presidents for their respective business channels; Tanya Brand — former senior manager — will serve as regional manager for Homestead Living; and Qiletha Caston — former director of operations — will serve as vice president of systems and operations for Homestead Living.

The company’s portfolio includes over 2,000 multifamily units, 8,500 student housing beds and over $200 million worth of new development projects. 

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