Captain John’s Bootcamp: Health tips

Everyone knows the common fact that the body is made up of 60-70% water.  Therefore, water consumption is important to help maintain a healthy mean and lean body. However, not everyone drinks the daily recommended water amount.  The lack of water consumption can lead to the body weakening.

While summer is here and water consumption is very important, make sure you are replenishing those electrolytes!  With winter around the corner, it is just as important to keep up with your daily water consumption. Good times playing army life in the blistering cold has taught me that even though you are cold and don’t want to drink water, it is important to do so and keep those organs and muscles saturated and full of that H2O!

Hungry? Try drinking a glass of water instead and see if that doesn’t quench your hunger. 


1. Water boosts energy. Water delivers important nutrients to all of our cells, especially muscle cells, postponing muscle fatigue.

2. Water helps weight loss. Water helps you feel full longer, without adding any additional calories. Drinking water or eating foods with a high water content can be a big help in managing your weight.

3. Water aids in digestion. Water aids in constipation and other abdominal issues, especially those suffering from IBS. Water helps to move the digestive process along and through the system.

4. Water detoxifies. Moves toxins through your system faster, and optimizes kidney function. Inadequate hydration means inadequate kidney function.

5. Water hydrates skin. Forget expensive creams and cure-alls, water is the best defense against aging and wrinkles in the skin.

The guideline recommended amount is eight glasses per day, though this varies from person to person. Those who exercise regularly, work outside, or have chronic medical conditions should consume more water to compensate for more water loss.

Remember, water is your friend, and proper hydration is a key to good health.


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