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Employee Spotlight: Tanya Brand


Name: Tanya Brand

Job Title: Senior Manager

Property: Homestead Village - HSL

1.) How long have you been with Homestead? 10 Years

2.) What were you doing before Homestead? Property Management (23 years)

3.) Where are you originally from? Kentucky

4.) What are your two favorite hobbies? Photography & Hiking - Spending time in nature.

5.) What would you most like to tell your 13 year old self? Be yourself and don't worry about what they think.

6.) If you could have coffee with three people, dead or alive, who would it be? My grandmother who passed, My mother who I don't get to spend much time with due to this busy life & My step-mother in Kansas City, MO.

7.) Who is the most famous person you have ever met? The New Kids on the Block - Many times! LOL

8.) What is your dream vacation? England - Would love to see the castles of the middle ages!

9.) What is the one THING, you can’t live without? Insulin! Haha!

10.) What is your proudest moment at Homestead Companies? Many proud moments but winning The Ben Franklin at Hampton Woods (older community which required a lot of TLC) last year was great!

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Marketing Team Marketing Team

Captain John’s Bootcamp: Health tips

Everyone knows the common fact that the body is made up of 60-70% water.  Therefore, water consumption is important to help maintain a healthy mean and lean body. However, not everyone drinks the daily recommended water amount.  The lack of water consumption can lead to the body weakening.

While summer is here and water consumption is very important, make sure you are replenishing those electrolytes!  With winter around the corner, it is just as important to keep up with your daily water consumption. Good times playing army life in the blistering cold has taught me that even though you are cold and don’t want to drink water, it is important to do so and keep those organs and muscles saturated and full of that H2O!

Hungry? Try drinking a glass of water instead and see if that doesn’t quench your hunger. 


1. Water boosts energy. Water delivers important nutrients to all of our cells, especially muscle cells, postponing muscle fatigue.

2. Water helps weight loss. Water helps you feel full longer, without adding any additional calories. Drinking water or eating foods with a high water content can be a big help in managing your weight.

3. Water aids in digestion. Water aids in constipation and other abdominal issues, especially those suffering from IBS. Water helps to move the digestive process along and through the system.

4. Water detoxifies. Moves toxins through your system faster, and optimizes kidney function. Inadequate hydration means inadequate kidney function.

5. Water hydrates skin. Forget expensive creams and cure-alls, water is the best defense against aging and wrinkles in the skin.

The guideline recommended amount is eight glasses per day, though this varies from person to person. Those who exercise regularly, work outside, or have chronic medical conditions should consume more water to compensate for more water loss.

Remember, water is your friend, and proper hydration is a key to good health.

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Marketing Team Marketing Team

Marketing transforms social media campaigns


With the lease-ups of Harlow and Homestead Village, building brand awareness and pushing traffic is the primary focus. With digital spend on the rise, running effective campaigns that stand out in a crowded space can be challenging.

Samantha Hume, Digital Designer for Homestead Companies, assists in building out and executing social media campaigns. "Launching our social media campaigns has helped us target our audience at a much faster rate and has increased our brand awareness within our customers. We've used a variety of techniques and tools to maximize our exposure while minimizing costs."

The two campaigns that ran July for Harlow and Homestead Village produced 542 leads, 169,000 impressions, and increase engagement by 20%.

Do you want to know how to increase your social media presence? Don't forget to review the Homestead Companies Social Media playbook. If you need a copy, please email

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Marketing Team Marketing Team

Champ Chain

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Congratulations to CJ Heller at River Annex. CJ is this month's recipient of the HU Champ Chain. He goes above and beyond to demonstrate our mission statement of providing the best resident life experience possible.

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Marketing Team Marketing Team

Check out our new website!!!

The Homestead Companies marketing team celebrated the launch of the new Homestead Companies website. Check out

Over the next year and a half, all communities will be getting a new website to revamp that will allow more customization to enhance the user experience. Our marketing team does a great job recognizing emerging technologies, and we are excited to see what they come up with next.

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Marketing Team Marketing Team

Harlow On Main: Gets the iconic look it deserves.

Last week, Danite sign company installed the final piece to the Harlow exterior. An 18 ft by 19 ft logo on the front of the building! The process during COVID took 3 months and a crew of 4 men to install. The community already has an iconic look, but this really puts Harlow on the map. There is no other building like it in Columbus.

Harlow features studios and 1 bedroom apartment homes at an achievable price point for the young professional or a design-conscious person who thrives in an urban environment. It's especially ideal for those who want to live with a smaller footprint.

You can find more information at 

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Marketing Team Marketing Team

Champ Chain Winner: Amanda Matchett

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Amanda Matchett! Amanda is a leasing consultant at University Village, and even in her off-hours she is committed to our residents and property. Thank you, Amanda, for not only taking care of our residents, but taking care of your fellow teammates and making them feel appreciated!

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Marketing Team Marketing Team

Employee Spotlight: Maggie Watros


Name: Maggie Watros

Job Title: Graphic Designer

Property: Home Office Employee

1.) How long have you been with Homestead? 3 months

2.) What were you doing before Homestead? Serving/ Bartending/ Traveling

3.) Where are you originally from? Columbus, OH

4.) What are your two favorite hobbies? Hiking and Yoga

5.) What would you most like to tell your 13 year old self? Travel as much as you can before the year 2020

6.) If you could have coffee with three people, dead or alive, who would it be? Margaret Atwood, Walt Disney and Leonardo da Vinci

7.) Who is the most famous person you have ever met? Shawn Johnson

8.) What is your dream vacation? Backpacking Southeast Asia

9.) What is the one THING, you can’t live without? My phone

10.) What is your proudest moment at Homestead Companies? Being a part of the rebrand!

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Marketing Team Marketing Team


As you know, here at Homestead Companies, we are always looking to grow our teams with talented people, just like you. If you know of someone that would love to join our team, please use our Employee Referral Bonus Program. Refer qualified candidates and as a “thank you,” you will receive $250 when the employee surpasses 90 days of employment. In order to receive the bonus, you must still be an active employee and in good standing with Homestead Companies at the time your referral hits their 90-day mark. Homestead reserves the right to change or eliminate this policy any time with or without notice.

Eligibility Criteria: You are eligible for a referral award only when you refer external candidates. Turn, Seasonal, and Temporary positions are not eligible for a referral bonus. Employees with a direct or indirect reporting relationship to the position are not eligible to submit for referral bonus. HR and employees involved in the hiring process/hiring decision for that position are not eligible to submit for referral bonus. Only one referral award can be given per candidate. If a candidate is referred by more than one employee, the first referral received will be the one rewarded if the candidate is hired.

To refer a potential employee, please prompt your contact to fill out an online application for the role the desire on our public careers page.

When you confirm they have applied, please submit the Employee Referral Form.

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